Say no more
Author: Actual railfan
Date: 05-16-2023 - 17:44

"The project recently celebrated its 10,000th worker on the job."

This one quote says what this whole thing is all about. Not a thing about this project should be celebrated.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Why California’s High-Speed Rail Is Taking So Long Commenter 05-16-2023 - 15:53
  Why? Oh why....???? LMAO.... BOB2 05-16-2023 - 16:59
  Re: Why? Oh why....???? LMAO.... Rev. 42 05-16-2023 - 21:22
  Say no more Actual railfan 05-16-2023 - 17:44
  Re: Say no more Steamfan 05-17-2023 - 16:33
  Re: Say no more FUD 05-17-2023 - 17:29

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