"Congress can curtail expensive California transit projects"
Author: Commenter
Date: 03-28-2024 - 14:18

For those who are not familiar with it, The Washington Examiner is a Republican voice. So the positions given should not be a surprise, especially as the writer is from the Cato Institute.

"If it doesn't eat dead dinos it shouldn't be funded", to paraphrase.


So kill any connections to Transbay, "they can walk", and don't extend BART. And of course eliminate any federal programs that would spend money on similar projects anywhere else in these United States.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  "Congress can curtail expensive California transit projects" Commenter 03-28-2024 - 14:18
  Re: "Congress can curtail expensive California transit projects" Clem 03-28-2024 - 19:42
  Wait, you really are mad that someone opposes spending $8 billion for a 1.3 mile tunnel in SF? Back in the real world 03-28-2024 - 20:29
  But you need a highway to spend real money. Commenter 03-29-2024 - 11:19
  Re: But you need a highway to spend real money. FUD 03-29-2024 - 11:56
  So ur justification for 1.3 miles @ $8 bil is a whataboutism of the worst hiway cost overrun boondoggle in US history? That is still way cheaper per mile and user Bold move, Cotton 03-29-2024 - 15:57

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