Re: "Congress can curtail expensive California transit projects"
Author: Clem
Date: 03-28-2024 - 19:42

There are some factually correct assertions, such as:

"The tunnel adds 1.3 miles to Caltrain at a cost of $8.25 billion, making it the costliest rail project on a per-mile basis ever."

Not to be outdone, the city is seeking to add an extension to the tunnel for grade separating 2 (count 'em, two) grade crossings for the tidy additional sum of $2 to 2.5 billion.

Sometimes the only way to disrupt the capture of local agencies by the Transportation Industrial Complex is to starve the projects of federal funding. Just as the FTA and FRA can be complicit by funding bad projects, they can also restore sanity.

My opinion is that "The Portal" formerly known as Caltrain downtown extension should never be built, unless the new Transbay Tube connects to it-- i.e. they should be one single project as I discuss in more depth here: []

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  "Congress can curtail expensive California transit projects" Commenter 03-28-2024 - 14:18
  Re: "Congress can curtail expensive California transit projects" Clem 03-28-2024 - 19:42
  Wait, you really are mad that someone opposes spending $8 billion for a 1.3 mile tunnel in SF? Back in the real world 03-28-2024 - 20:29
  But you need a highway to spend real money. Commenter 03-29-2024 - 11:19
  Re: But you need a highway to spend real money. FUD 03-29-2024 - 11:56
  So ur justification for 1.3 miles @ $8 bil is a whataboutism of the worst hiway cost overrun boondoggle in US history? That is still way cheaper per mile and user Bold move, Cotton 03-29-2024 - 15:57

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