But you need a highway to spend real money.
Author: Commenter
Date: 03-29-2024 - 11:19

"How expensive was the “Big Dig”? According to local sources like Boston's WBUR, the total cost for the “Big Dig” was an estimated $24.3 billion."

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  "Congress can curtail expensive California transit projects" Commenter 03-28-2024 - 14:18
  Re: "Congress can curtail expensive California transit projects" Clem 03-28-2024 - 19:42
  Wait, you really are mad that someone opposes spending $8 billion for a 1.3 mile tunnel in SF? Back in the real world 03-28-2024 - 20:29
  But you need a highway to spend real money. Commenter 03-29-2024 - 11:19
  Re: But you need a highway to spend real money. FUD 03-29-2024 - 11:56
  So ur justification for 1.3 miles @ $8 bil is a whataboutism of the worst hiway cost overrun boondoggle in US history? That is still way cheaper per mile and user Bold move, Cotton 03-29-2024 - 15:57

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