Re: More old SP (Name that Tune ...)
Author: Key Route Ken
Date: 02-02-2010 - 10:51

Sir Steve --
Only a partially correct answer on your part... But don't feel bad.. Ok ??

Your first sentence read:
"I believe these were from the East Bay Electric Lines, the Seventh Street Line".

Yes and No.. Round steel poles with flat tops were used for catenary support poles along city streets and "city" private row's... The "lattice poles" in photo (Erector set piece) were erected by OA&B Line Crews on at least ONE side of the RR row to "assist" in supporting the catenary. I've never seen them on opposite sides from each other.
You'll still see these "lattice" poles from Melrose to West Oakland (here and there), as well as out around Shellmound and vicinity..

Did you have an answer for the "concrete building" in the original photo in your post ??



Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  More old SP Steve Sloan 02-02-2010 - 08:17
  Re: More old SP Jon 02-02-2010 - 08:33
  Re: More old SP (Name that Tune ...) Key Route Ken 02-02-2010 - 08:52
  Re: More old SP (Name that Tune ...) Steve Sloan 02-02-2010 - 09:51
  Re: More old SP (Name that Tune ...) Key Route Ken 02-02-2010 - 10:51
  Re: More old SP (Name that Tune ...) Steve Sloan 02-02-2010 - 11:01
  Re: More old SP (Name that Tune ...) Key Route Ken 02-02-2010 - 11:47
  Re: More old SP # 7342 paint schemes George Andrews 02-02-2010 - 15:59
  Re: More old SP # 7342 paint schemes Steve Sloan 02-03-2010 - 08:01
  Re: lattice poles Tim 02-02-2010 - 19:29
  Re: lattice poles Ken Shattock (aka 'KRK') 02-02-2010 - 20:20
  Re: lattice poles RVJ refugee 02-03-2010 - 00:52
  Re: lattice poles Tim 02-03-2010 - 10:08
  Re: lattice poles Dr Zarkoff 02-03-2010 - 18:40

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