Re: Pine Bluff-Arcadia-2nd District-Gold Line Update-Santa Fe through Arcadia
Author: Jay Roberts
Date: 02-03-2010 - 11:56

Maybe next time I go to Arcadia the Railroad tracks won't be so depressing !!!!!

As a former resident of Arcadia...1952-1989 I look foreward to the Gold Line comming to town

Jay Roberts
now in Seattle

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Pine Bluff-Arcadia-2nd District-Gold Line Update BOB2 02-02-2010 - 23:50
  Re: Pine Bluff-Arcadia-2nd District-Gold Line Update-Santa Fe through Arcadia David Maxwell 02-03-2010 - 11:04
  Re: Pine Bluff-Arcadia-2nd District-Gold Line Update-Santa Fe through Arcadia Jay Roberts 02-03-2010 - 11:56
  Re: Pine Bluff-Arcadia-2nd District-Gold Line Update-Santa Fe through Arcadia BOB2 02-03-2010 - 12:28
  Re: Pine Bluff-Arcadia-2nd District-Gold Line Update-Santa Fe through Arcadia David Maxwell 02-03-2010 - 13:29
  Re: Pine Bluff-Arcadia-2nd District-Gold Line Update-Santa Fe through Arcadia JAT ROBERTS 02-05-2010 - 07:49
  Re: Pine Bluff-Arcadia-2nd District-Gold Line Update Snuffy 02-04-2010 - 14:37
  Re: Pine Bluff-Arcadia-2nd District-Gold Line Update wsabo 02-05-2010 - 06:18
  Re: Pine Bluff-Arcadia-2nd District-Gold Line Update BOB2 02-05-2010 - 08:31
  Re: Pine Bluff-Arcadia-2nd District-Gold Line Update George Andrews 02-05-2010 - 09:53
  Re: Pine Bluff-Arcadia-2nd District-Gold Line Update Newrad 02-06-2010 - 00:59

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