Re: How Far Will SMART Get?
Author: ron
Date: 09-06-2010 - 19:40

To my knowledge there are no plans to operate to the Larkspur Ferry terminal directly. Instead the trains wiil stop near the north abutment of the Corte Madera Ck. trestle . Fron there you can walk about a quarter mile to the terminal or take some kind of shuttle that has not yet been designed . Many years ago the Golden Gate bridge district bought the property where the Marin airporter is located . This was done so the ROW could be graded to allow trains direct acesss to the terminal . (door to door ) The City of Larkspur long ago put a stop to that idea. Its one of SMART's biggest planning blunders . If any of this has changed please chime in with the latest updated proposal.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  How Far Will SMART Get? Chris 09-06-2010 - 13:33
  Re: How Far Will SMART Get? Del Monte 09-06-2010 - 17:48
  Re: How Far Will SMART Get? ron 09-06-2010 - 19:40
  Re: How Far Will SMART Get? DAVE I 09-06-2010 - 18:10
  Re: How Far Will SMART Get? synonymouse 09-06-2010 - 21:50
  Re: How Far Will SMART Get? Chris 09-07-2010 - 08:03
  Re: How Far Will SMART Get? hmarkwart 09-13-2010 - 16:14

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