Re: Speaking of Substations.......
Author: JCA
Date: 03-10-2012 - 12:48

There are two (sort of) at the Western Railway Museum, a rotary portable in a wood boxcar and the building from the Del Paso substation, with relatively modern BART solid state equipment to supply the 600v.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Speaking of Substations....... Paul Kepler 03-10-2012 - 11:48
  Re: Speaking of Substations....... JCA 03-10-2012 - 12:48
  Re: Speaking of Substations....... Marty Bernard 03-10-2012 - 17:36
  Re: Speaking of Substations....... Ed Immel 03-11-2012 - 09:25
  Re: Speaking of Substations....... Erik H. 03-11-2012 - 20:07
  Re: Speaking of Substations....... OldPoleBurner 03-12-2012 - 10:31
  Re: Speaking of Substations....... Dr Zarkoff 03-11-2012 - 11:46
  Re: Speaking of Substations....... Craig Tambo 03-11-2012 - 12:57
  Re: Speaking of Substations....... Al Stangenberger 03-11-2012 - 14:04
  Re: Speaking of Substations....... beverlyhelper 03-14-2012 - 19:02
  Re: Speaking of Substations....... Paul Kepler 03-14-2012 - 20:08
  Re: Baltimore Park substation .... Al Stangenberger 03-14-2012 - 23:03
  Milwaukee substation for sale ex-BN 03-14-2012 - 20:55

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