Re: NN Question
Author: Northern Nevada
Date: 02-13-2013 - 21:14

Let's not forget the ill fated Northern Nevada that operated the line for a short time before BHP made them an offer they couldn't refuse to go away. Northern Nevada constructed the new line from Keystone to the current loader (using salvaged rail from the SP Westside line), and brought in the SD-9's to handle the (slow) road haul over the 70 lb mainline rail. During the construction of the new line the infamous runaway flat loaded with ties ran into the 93. A brief but important foot note to the current status of the NN.


Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  NN Question Tom 02-13-2013 - 05:19
  Re: NN Question Gp40P2 02-13-2013 - 08:15
  Re: NN Question Zephyrus 02-13-2013 - 08:44
  Re: NN Question Tom Moungovan 02-13-2013 - 11:24
  Re: NN Question SP5103 02-13-2013 - 17:19
  Re: NN Question Jeff Moore 02-13-2013 - 17:56
  Re: NN Question Northern Nevada 02-13-2013 - 21:14
  Re: NN Question Jeff Moore 02-13-2013 - 22:26
  Re: NN Question John West 02-13-2013 - 23:31
  Re: NN Question Robby Peartree 02-14-2013 - 17:42
  Re: NN Question Robby Peartree 02-13-2013 - 21:13
  Re: NN Question Kevin Madore 02-14-2013 - 10:46
  Re: NN Question Jeff Moore 02-14-2013 - 23:17

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