Re: To Glen Icanberry
Author: Mike Lepker
Date: 12-20-2006 - 10:01

I have had the pleasure to know Glen for many, many years. He is truly what I would define as a "professional railfan". His exhaustive efforts on not only this project but any that He takes on is beyond belief. Anyone that knows Glen surely knows this. And anyone that knows Him also knows that HE, and He alnoe, was the driving effort on this book. I had never met Mr. Kreiger but My opinion is this: He was a MODELER, and let Me take a minute to clarify that, as well as the financial backing for the book. He did NOT go trackside taking photos. He did NOT track down retired employees for their photographs and stories. He did NOT take hours to hand draw and all of the artwork. He was a shrewd person with hardly any knowledge of railroading other than the model trains that He built. Let Me take a minute to define a modeler as I surely do not want to offend anyone here. As a railroad employee of almost 30 years many of You have never heard My name before. Some of You have. I started out as a "foamer" (and still consider Myself one) at a very young age. Much like a lot of You here. But I drifted into photography instead of building models. Later, in 1977, I was fortunant enough to be hired on with Santa Fe and worked many years in Barstow yard. I do NOT consider Myself a professional railfan as many of You on here could be catorigized. I have taken thousands of slides and still do. I have had a few published but not to the degree as a "professional railfan". I have never been invited to showcase My efforts at Winterail and possible never will. Glen has given TWO presentations. Why/ Because He is a professional railfan. Not politics. Not anything other than His TALENT. And He IS the talent behind this book. Back for a minute to the "modeler" discussion. Many of You have known modelers, which in itself, is a talent. How many times have You tried to discuss just how the real railroad opperates with a modeler? How many times have You ARGUED with a modeler about a subject that is not absorbed? This is the reality that I am talking about. I am not here to "cast stones" but merely tell You that the wrong person is getting all of the credit for this book. The wrong estate is making money from sales of the book. The wrong name is on the second prenting of the book. And as a person that knows Glen very personally, He is NOT sitting in a mansion up on top of a hill gloating. He is just a PROFESSIONAL RAILFAN in a studio apartment doing what He always has and always will......... Gathering information to SHARE with the rest of Us and document history before it totally disappears and is long forgotten. This is a true professional. And this is the TRUE story of Valley Division Vignettes.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  To Glen Icanberry Matt K 11-21-2006 - 07:31
  Re: To Glen Icanberry Steven D. Johnson 11-25-2006 - 22:42
  Re: To Glen Icanberry Glen Icanberry 11-26-2006 - 18:13
  Re: To Glen Icanberry CWLee 11-26-2006 - 19:58
  Re: To Glen Icanberry Steven D. Johnson 11-26-2006 - 21:00
  Re: To Glen Icanberry John Sweetser 11-28-2006 - 10:26
  Re: To Glen Icanberry VC Conductor 12-19-2016 - 09:53
  Re: To Glen Icanberry Brian Jennison 11-30-2006 - 12:48
  Re: To Glen Icanberry Mike Lepker 12-20-2006 - 10:01
  Re: To Glen Icanberry Mainline 12-25-2006 - 12:14
  Re: To Glen Icanberry Mark Landis 02-04-2008 - 21:32
  Re: To Glen Icanberry JIm Blain 03-28-2011 - 08:26

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