Author: BOB2
Date: 02-24-2008 - 12:33

I'm gonna go with Ed Von Nordeck on the final answer. I think that he has the longest memory on the history of LAUPT. Inside of (passenger) tracks one and two (the short side) were several tracks of express (now paved over) which at one time went down to the PE Express area (where the MWD HQ now sits.


Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  LAUS (LAUPT) Gary A Dunn 02-20-2008 - 06:19
  Re: LAUS (LAUPT) Tony 02-20-2008 - 08:40
  Re: LAUS (LAUPT)--Give it a Visit BOB2 02-20-2008 - 13:28
  Re: LAUS (LAUPT) Mistertower 02-20-2008 - 13:34
  Re: LAUS (LAUPT) Dave Frevele 02-24-2008 - 16:37
  Re: LAUS (LAUPT) mikeb 02-20-2008 - 17:35
  Re: LAUS (LAUPT) Tony 02-20-2008 - 18:13
  Re: LAUS (LAUPT) Barry Draper 02-20-2008 - 18:35
  Re: LAUS (LAUPT) Followup questions Gary A Dunn 02-21-2008 - 06:04
  Re: LAUS (LAUPT) Followup questions BOB2 02-21-2008 - 08:43
  Re: LAUS (LAUPT) Followup questions Steven D. Johnson 02-21-2008 - 10:45
  Re: LAUS (LAUPT) Followup questions Freericks 02-21-2008 - 12:27
  Re: LAUS (LAUPT) M. Martin 02-23-2008 - 03:55
  Re: LAUS (LAUPT) Viktor Liviakis 02-23-2008 - 13:25
  Re: LAUS (LAUPT) Ed Von Nordeck 02-23-2008 - 18:50
  Re: LAUS (LAUPT) BOB2 02-24-2008 - 12:33

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