Re: Crewless trains
Author: Max Wyss
Date: 11-04-2014 - 10:44

It needs a lot more than just PTC to operate driverless trains on the general network.

Keep in mind that the Australian ore lines are island lines with no interconnection, and all what's run on them are the unit trains.

The most complex driverless operation coming to my mind is the London Docklands Railway, followed by the Nürnberg subway (which has proven successful coexistence with manually driven trains).

For driverless operation, a completely different approach to safety and security would be needed.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Crewless trains Jim Speaker 11-03-2014 - 16:46
  Re: Crewless trains Nudge 11-03-2014 - 17:55
  Re: Crewless trains Jim Speaker 11-03-2014 - 17:58
  Re: Crewless trains Nudge 11-03-2014 - 18:05
  Re: Crewless trains Sumotuwe 11-03-2014 - 18:44
  Re: Crewless trains Espee99 11-03-2014 - 18:54
  Re: Crewless trains pdxrailtransit 11-03-2014 - 19:50
  Re: Crewless trains theconductor 11-03-2014 - 19:45
  Re: Crewless trains Rich Hunn 11-04-2014 - 08:59
  Re: Crewless trains Max Wyss 11-04-2014 - 10:44
  Re: Crewless trains Rich Hunn 11-04-2014 - 13:03
  Re: Crewless trains Max Wyss 11-04-2014 - 13:20
  Re: Crewless trains Fred 11-04-2014 - 14:20
  Re: Crewless trains Rich Hunn 11-04-2014 - 14:31
  Re: Crewless trains theconductor 11-04-2014 - 16:50
  Re: Crewless trains Rich Hunn 11-04-2014 - 19:32
  The dispatcher will control all trains. Never Ever Happen! 11-06-2014 - 07:54
  Re: The dispatcher will control all trains. mook 11-06-2014 - 10:53
  Re: The dispatcher will control all trains. theconductor 11-06-2014 - 22:12
  Re: The dispatcher will control all trains. Never Ever Happen! 11-07-2014 - 11:34
  Re: The dispatcher will control all trains. theconductor 11-07-2014 - 13:37

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