Re: CTC to rule in April on UP Donner Funding
Author: Wizard
Date: 03-17-2008 - 19:51

Soooooo, if the Yellow Borg is to get this huge allotment & infusion of cash to do what was once before on the hill prior to the Moyer years, is UPRR still gonna raise stink about the congestion it says is on the hill when the Capital Corridor agency comes knocking once again on it's doors asking for access all the way to Reno ?

There is no such thing as a free lunch. Everything has "strings" attached. What I'd like to know (and perhaps others) will UPRR be less opposed to allowing the Capital trains at last ?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  CTC to rule in April on UP Donner Funding Mike Pechner 03-17-2008 - 11:29
  Re: CTC to rule in April on UP Donner Funding Bill C 03-17-2008 - 12:23
  Re: CTC to rule in April on UP Donner Funding David Jansson 03-17-2008 - 13:38
  Re: CTC to rule in April on UP Donner Funding Wizard 03-17-2008 - 19:51
  Re: CTC to rule in April on UP Donner Funding cherrycitycinderdec 03-17-2008 - 22:54
  Re: CTC to rule in April on UP Donner Funding Geoff 03-18-2008 - 05:28
  Re: CTC to rule in April on UP Donner Funding Wizard 03-18-2008 - 08:56
  Re: CTC to rule in April on UP Donner Funding David Jansson 03-18-2008 - 09:54
  Re: CTC to rule in April on UP Donner Funding stash 03-18-2008 - 17:38
  Re: CTC to rule in April on UP Donner Funding david vartanoff 03-18-2008 - 16:19
  Re: CTC to rule in April on UP Donner Funding OldPoleBurner 03-19-2008 - 00:08
  Re: DONNER CLEARANCES Mike Pechner 03-18-2008 - 13:35
  Re: DONNER CLEARANCES E 03-18-2008 - 14:39
  Re: DONNER CLEARANCES WAF 03-18-2008 - 15:16
  Re: DONNER CLEARANCES Out of it 03-18-2008 - 15:19
  Re: DONNER CLEARANCES E 03-19-2008 - 09:15
  Re: DONNER CLEARANCES Doug Jensen 03-19-2008 - 10:06
  Re: DONNER CLEARANCES out of it 03-19-2008 - 10:19

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