Re: NCRA-SMART & the Arnolds, Marin IJ Letter to Ed.
Author: Scott Schiechl
Date: 05-02-2008 - 14:39

Thank you, Mike, for posting this item. I think some people (i.e. Marin Board of Supes, City of Novato, etc.) ought to keep in mind that when SMART went before the voters, a majority of Marinites voted in favor, just not the 2/3rds required by law. I seem to recall that only voters in Novato and Larkspur failed to muster a majority. It is also interesting that opponents of SMART have to rely on "cooked" numbers and downright falsehoods to make their case. Let's all hope that the people of Marin are not as stupid as some of their leaders expect them to be.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  NCRA-SMART & the Arnolds, Marin IJ Letter to Ed. Mike Pechner 05-02-2008 - 13:56
  Re: NCRA-SMART & the Arnolds, Marin IJ Letter to Ed. Scott Schiechl 05-02-2008 - 14:39
  Re: NCRA-SMART & the Arnolds, Marin IJ Letter to Ed. XX 05-02-2008 - 14:53
  Re: NCRA-SMART & the Arnolds, Marin IJ Letter to Ed. Barry 05-02-2008 - 15:09
  Re: NCRA-SMART & the Arnolds, Marin IJ Letter to Ed. Mike Pechner 05-02-2008 - 20:18
  Re: NCRA-SMART & the Arnolds, Marin IJ Letter to Ed. XX 05-02-2008 - 22:59
  Re: NCRA-SMART & the Arnolds, Marin IJ Letter to Ed. Mike Pechner 05-02-2008 - 23:20
  Re: NCRA-SMART & the Arnolds, Marin IJ Letter to Ed. Barry 05-03-2008 - 07:58

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