Re: NCRA-SMART & the Arnolds, Marin IJ Letter to Ed.
Author: XX
Date: 05-02-2008 - 22:59

Mike, so I take it you think that SMART has misled the public
about freight all along?

I never understood why SMART staff chose to reduce the number
of freight trains evaluated in the FEIR. The scenario they
adopted was beyond belief. In a briefing memo, Stogner has
said that he had caveated the discussion with Lillian Hames,
but they went with a few trains a week.

They are paying the price now, because now the public is really
confused about what the potential for freight actually is.
And the NCRA isn't helping because they're singing different
tunes in Eureka and Marin/Sonoma.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  NCRA-SMART & the Arnolds, Marin IJ Letter to Ed. Mike Pechner 05-02-2008 - 13:56
  Re: NCRA-SMART & the Arnolds, Marin IJ Letter to Ed. Scott Schiechl 05-02-2008 - 14:39
  Re: NCRA-SMART & the Arnolds, Marin IJ Letter to Ed. XX 05-02-2008 - 14:53
  Re: NCRA-SMART & the Arnolds, Marin IJ Letter to Ed. Barry 05-02-2008 - 15:09
  Re: NCRA-SMART & the Arnolds, Marin IJ Letter to Ed. Mike Pechner 05-02-2008 - 20:18
  Re: NCRA-SMART & the Arnolds, Marin IJ Letter to Ed. XX 05-02-2008 - 22:59
  Re: NCRA-SMART & the Arnolds, Marin IJ Letter to Ed. Mike Pechner 05-02-2008 - 23:20
  Re: NCRA-SMART & the Arnolds, Marin IJ Letter to Ed. Barry 05-03-2008 - 07:58

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