Re: NCRA-SMART & the Arnolds, Marin IJ Letter to Ed.
Author: XX
Date: 05-02-2008 - 14:53

Cooked numbers? Those came from the SMART staff.

Try this: find me any document that represents a financial plan
for the $450 million they plan to build the rail line?

Or: As documented in MCL's financial analysis of SMART (available
on the net), the Expenditure Plan placed in every sample ballot
contained many errors showing it was inconsistent with their own
EIR ridership numbers.

Or: Explicitly excluding $10 million of annual debt service costs
from their operating expense numbers in order to cook the annual
cost numbers.

btw, what numbers did you think the SMART opponents cooked? I'd be real
interested to see, because they used SMART's numbers throughout
the campaign.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  NCRA-SMART & the Arnolds, Marin IJ Letter to Ed. Mike Pechner 05-02-2008 - 13:56
  Re: NCRA-SMART & the Arnolds, Marin IJ Letter to Ed. Scott Schiechl 05-02-2008 - 14:39
  Re: NCRA-SMART & the Arnolds, Marin IJ Letter to Ed. XX 05-02-2008 - 14:53
  Re: NCRA-SMART & the Arnolds, Marin IJ Letter to Ed. Barry 05-02-2008 - 15:09
  Re: NCRA-SMART & the Arnolds, Marin IJ Letter to Ed. Mike Pechner 05-02-2008 - 20:18
  Re: NCRA-SMART & the Arnolds, Marin IJ Letter to Ed. XX 05-02-2008 - 22:59
  Re: NCRA-SMART & the Arnolds, Marin IJ Letter to Ed. Mike Pechner 05-02-2008 - 23:20
  Re: NCRA-SMART & the Arnolds, Marin IJ Letter to Ed. Barry 05-03-2008 - 07:58

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