Re:Museum did take one of the Boeing Vertol's.....good!
Author: BOB2
Date: 03-31-2016 - 19:00

They've got at least one, that's good, these are an interesting piece of modern LRT history....

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  No Museum will even take the Boeing Vertol's.....sad. BOB2 03-31-2016 - 18:20
  Re: No Museum will even take the Boeing Vertol's.....sad. Erik H. 03-31-2016 - 18:22
  Re: No Museum will even take the Boeing Vertol's.....sad. mook 03-31-2016 - 18:24
  Re: No Museum will even take the Boeing Vertol's.....sad. mook 03-31-2016 - 18:41
  Re:Museum did take one of the Boeing Vertol's.....good! BOB2 03-31-2016 - 19:00
  Re: Re:Museum did take one of the Boeing Vertol's.....good! Reader 03-31-2016 - 19:10
  Re: Re:Museum did take one of the Boeing Vertol's.....good! Ken Shattock (KRK) 03-31-2016 - 19:15
  Re: Re:Museum did take one of the Boeing Vertol's.....good! Al Stangenberger 03-31-2016 - 19:46
  Re: Re:Museum did take one of the Boeing Vertol's.....good! BOB2 03-31-2016 - 20:46
  Re: Re:Museum did take one of the Boeing Vertol's.....good! Joe Magruder 03-31-2016 - 21:28
  Re: Re:Museum did take one of the Boeing Vertol's.....good! synonymouse 03-31-2016 - 19:13
  Another Boeing Vertol saved (without an apostrophe) The Adjustment Bureau 03-31-2016 - 20:16
  Re: Another Boeing Vertol saved (without an apostrophe) Tom McCann 03-31-2016 - 22:40
  Re: Another Boeing Vertol saved (without an apostrophe) Don---Napa 04-01-2016 - 07:41
  Re: Another Boeing Vertol saved (without an apostrophe) Ken Shattock (KRK) 04-01-2016 - 08:05
  Re: Another Boeing Vertol saved (without an apostrophe) fkrock 04-01-2016 - 09:30
  Re: Another Boeing Vertol saved (without an apostrophe) F. 04-01-2016 - 09:45
  Re: Another Boeing Vertol saved (without an apostrophe) mook 04-01-2016 - 10:08
  Re: Another Boeing Vertol saved (without an apostrophe) Max Wyss 04-01-2016 - 10:35
  Re: Another Boeing Vertol saved (without an apostrophe) fkrock 04-02-2016 - 09:41
  Re: Another Boeing Vertol saved (without an apostrophe) crmeatball 04-04-2016 - 15:09
  Re: Another Boeing Vertol saved (without an apostrophe) fkrock 04-05-2016 - 10:36
  Re: Another Boeing Vertol saved (without an apostrophe) mook 04-05-2016 - 13:27

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