Re: Re:Museum did take one of the Boeing Vertol's.....good!
Author: BOB2
Date: 03-31-2016 - 20:46

Nope, I'm one with no particular love lost for these Boeing "historic" beasts. I would have bought Duwags, like San Diego, too.

So-called "Buy America" FTA rules back then, as is the case with all such "protectionist" nonsense, at anytime, primarily protected obsolete designs and poor performance then commonly offered by the dominant US makers, for years, on everything from buses, and rail cars, to fare systems.....

Buy America did force a lot of odd and often costly attempts at international partnering, which allowed international competitors to participate in the US market. It also caused a lot of LRT operators to eschew the use of Federal funds for equipment, so they could buy superior international products, at competitive prices, from a larger "world wide" vendor pool.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  No Museum will even take the Boeing Vertol's.....sad. BOB2 03-31-2016 - 18:20
  Re: No Museum will even take the Boeing Vertol's.....sad. Erik H. 03-31-2016 - 18:22
  Re: No Museum will even take the Boeing Vertol's.....sad. mook 03-31-2016 - 18:24
  Re: No Museum will even take the Boeing Vertol's.....sad. mook 03-31-2016 - 18:41
  Re:Museum did take one of the Boeing Vertol's.....good! BOB2 03-31-2016 - 19:00
  Re: Re:Museum did take one of the Boeing Vertol's.....good! Reader 03-31-2016 - 19:10
  Re: Re:Museum did take one of the Boeing Vertol's.....good! Ken Shattock (KRK) 03-31-2016 - 19:15
  Re: Re:Museum did take one of the Boeing Vertol's.....good! Al Stangenberger 03-31-2016 - 19:46
  Re: Re:Museum did take one of the Boeing Vertol's.....good! BOB2 03-31-2016 - 20:46
  Re: Re:Museum did take one of the Boeing Vertol's.....good! Joe Magruder 03-31-2016 - 21:28
  Re: Re:Museum did take one of the Boeing Vertol's.....good! synonymouse 03-31-2016 - 19:13
  Another Boeing Vertol saved (without an apostrophe) The Adjustment Bureau 03-31-2016 - 20:16
  Re: Another Boeing Vertol saved (without an apostrophe) Tom McCann 03-31-2016 - 22:40
  Re: Another Boeing Vertol saved (without an apostrophe) Don---Napa 04-01-2016 - 07:41
  Re: Another Boeing Vertol saved (without an apostrophe) Ken Shattock (KRK) 04-01-2016 - 08:05
  Re: Another Boeing Vertol saved (without an apostrophe) fkrock 04-01-2016 - 09:30
  Re: Another Boeing Vertol saved (without an apostrophe) F. 04-01-2016 - 09:45
  Re: Another Boeing Vertol saved (without an apostrophe) mook 04-01-2016 - 10:08
  Re: Another Boeing Vertol saved (without an apostrophe) Max Wyss 04-01-2016 - 10:35
  Re: Another Boeing Vertol saved (without an apostrophe) fkrock 04-02-2016 - 09:41
  Re: Another Boeing Vertol saved (without an apostrophe) crmeatball 04-04-2016 - 15:09
  Re: Another Boeing Vertol saved (without an apostrophe) fkrock 04-05-2016 - 10:36
  Re: Another Boeing Vertol saved (without an apostrophe) mook 04-05-2016 - 13:27

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