Re: FRA Invites Bids to Replace Amtrak on Three Routes
Author: Erik H.
Date: 08-04-2017 - 21:06

Margaret (SP fan) Wrote:
> And providing for the common good -- in this case, long-distance passenger trains

I'll argue that we as a nation have a LOT of "needs" that rank much higher than long distance passenger trains. We have a massive homeless problem. Housing affordability. Good jobs. Healthcare.

If you want to use the argument that we should do things that are "common good", Amtrak **FAILS** that smell test like a methane factory next to a old school garbage dump next to a mega-dairy next to a copper smelter. Amtrak's long distance trains are **NOT** a need by any definition; else, explain the tens of millions of Americans that don't have Amtrak service, and have never had Amtrak service - and justify why they should be chosen to be ignored, just so Margaret can have her precious little train.

Government shouldn't pick winners and losers. It serves all, or it serves none. If you want to continue Amtrak as a "public need", then you better come up with a plan to nationalize all airlines and bus companies too, so that EACH American has fair and equal access to intercity transportation as a right. Not just those lucky enough to live next to a train station.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  FRA Invites Bids to Replace Amtrak on Three Routes J 08-02-2017 - 07:26
  Re: FRA Invites Bids to Replace Amtrak on Three Routes Alf Doten 08-02-2017 - 08:28
  Re: FRA Invites Bids to Replace Amtrak on Three Routes J 08-02-2017 - 10:46
  Re: FRA Invites Bids to Replace Amtrak on Three Routes WebDigger 08-02-2017 - 10:50
  Re: FRA Invites Bids to Replace Amtrak on Three Routes Alf Doten 08-02-2017 - 12:34
  Re: FRA Invites Bids to Replace Amtrak on Three Routes IP 08-02-2017 - 13:34
  Re: FRA Invites Bids to Replace Amtrak on Three Routes espee99 08-02-2017 - 15:46
  Re: FRA Invites Bids to Replace Amtrak on Three Routes george manley 08-02-2017 - 17:19
  Not because we know what we want, but because Congress told us to do it...... BOB2 08-02-2017 - 17:56
  Re: FRA Invites Bids to Replace Amtrak on Three Routes Margaret (SP fan) 08-02-2017 - 22:08
  Re: FRA Invites Bids to Replace Amtrak on Three Routes mook 08-02-2017 - 22:42
  Re: FRA Invites Bids to Replace Amtrak on Three Routes Tom3751 08-03-2017 - 12:36
  Re: FRA Invites Bids to Replace Amtrak on Three Routes Erik H. 08-03-2017 - 13:09
  Re: FRA Invites Bids to Replace Amtrak on Three Routes mook 08-03-2017 - 14:06
  Re: Eric, just ignore Mook, you got my A for the day BOB2 08-03-2017 - 15:21
  Re: Eric, just ignore Mook, you got my A for the day Boberama 08-04-2017 - 11:47
  Re: FRA Invites Bids to Replace Amtrak on Three Routes Margaret (SP fan) 08-04-2017 - 00:58
  Re: I am an evil Amtrak Hater......Yeah right....... BOB2 08-04-2017 - 04:23
  Re: FRA Invites Bids to Replace Amtrak on Three Routes GRRR 08-04-2017 - 17:45
  Re: FRA Invites Bids to Replace Amtrak on Three Routes Google maps says... 08-05-2017 - 13:23
  Re: FRA Invites Bids to Replace Amtrak on Three Routes Erik H. 08-04-2017 - 21:06
  Re: FRA Invites Bids to Replace Amtrak on Three Routes Anton 08-04-2017 - 21:17
  Re:There went your A Erik.....and Anton, well...? BOB2 08-04-2017 - 22:21
  Re: Re:There went your A Erik.....and Anton, well...? Boberama 08-05-2017 - 10:04
  Re: Re:There went your A Erik.....and Anton, well...? Sumotuwe 08-05-2017 - 10:46
  Re: FRA Invites Bids to Replace Amtrak on Three Routes Commenter 08-04-2017 - 21:48
  Re: FRA Invites Bids to Replace Amtrak on Three Routes Mike 08-04-2017 - 21:28
  Re: FRA Invites Bids to Replace Amtrak on Three Routes -- OK, I was wrong about a few things Margaret (SP fan) 08-05-2017 - 23:44
  Re: OK, I was wrong about a few things, qnd we do agree on some things, but BOB2 08-06-2017 - 09:00
  Re: OK, I was wrong about a few things, qnd we do agree on some things, but Norman Saxon 08-06-2017 - 11:23
  Re: The selected contractor would be operating under Amtrak's operating "rights" BOB2 08-06-2017 - 11:48
  Re: The selected contractor would be operating under Amtrak's operating "rights" Dr Zarkoff 08-06-2017 - 19:06

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