Re: Richmond Pacific RR ?
Author: Keith Ode
Date: 01-15-2020 - 23:03

#metoo Wrote:
> I guess the Richmond Pacific (formerly Parr
> Terminal Railroad) would become idle too?
> Wikipedia says it is owned by the Levin-Richmond
> Terminal Corporation.

They have plenty of other customers to keep them going, but the heyday of the Richmond Pacific would probably come to end without another major source of traffic like the coal or iron or exports.

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  Re: Richmond, California City Council Issues Fatwah Against Their Port's Coal Terminal . 01-15-2020 - 15:24
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  Re: Richmond, California City Council Issues Fatwah Against Their Port's Coal Terminal Calizuela 01-15-2020 - 16:32
  Re: Richmond, California City Council Issues Fatwah Against Their Port's Coal Terminal . 01-15-2020 - 16:43
  Re: Richmond, California City Council Issues Fatwah Against Their Port's Coal Terminal HUTCH 7.62 01-15-2020 - 18:22
  Re: Richmond, California City Council Issues Fatwah Against Their Port's Coal Terminal . 01-15-2020 - 18:39
  Re: Richmond, California City Council Issues Fatwah Against Their Port's Coal Terminal LOL 01-15-2020 - 18:54
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  Yep, all we need is some of that magic pixie dust politicians like to sprinkle around and the laws of chemistry are altered, right? BOB2 01-17-2020 - 14:03
  Re: Richmond, California City Council Issues Fatwah Against Their Port's Coal Terminal HUTCH 7.62 01-15-2020 - 19:00
  Re: Richmond, California City Council Issues Fatwah Against Their Port's Coal Terminal . 01-15-2020 - 19:07
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  Re: Richmond, California City Council Issues Fatwah Against Their Port's Coal Terminal Dr Zarkoff 01-15-2020 - 21:21
  Re: Richmond, California City Council Issues Fatwah Against Their Port's Coal Terminal Keith Ode 01-15-2020 - 22:18
  Richmond Pacific RR ? #metoo 01-15-2020 - 22:49
  Re: Richmond Pacific RR ? Keith Ode 01-15-2020 - 23:03
  Re: Richmond Pacific RR ? ron 01-16-2020 - 09:03

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