Re: Mental illness is Blah Blah Blah
Author: .
Date: 05-11-2022 - 20:39
BOB2 Wrote:
> So, she was emboldened by society, right? The paranoid schizophrenia didn't tell her light people on fire while babbling in a train car, it was society that "emboldened" her to do it, right? What else do your voices tell you when you are off of the medication?
You must think that all the people walking out of stores with stolen merchandise are paranoid schizophrenics as well. Are you her doctor? How did you manage to ascertain that she was a paranoid schizophrenic?
Maybe she knew that if she set someone on fire, got caught, and went through the "legal justice" system, she'd end up with "three hots and a cot" for a very long time. That would probably be an improvement in her quality-of-life. I think they even offer TV, Internet and conjugal visits to prisoners now. Oh, and a gender-reassignment surgery if they want one. What a deal!