Re: Community over Roaring Camp profits
Author: Cannon Dale
Date: 05-20-2022 - 09:40

Did RTC and Roaring Camp ever sit down for coffee?

Which way is momentum flowing as far as keeping the entire railroad whole?

There were legal issues with easements and ownership. I'm sure there are Land Grab lawyers waiting for the RTC to make a blunder. I wonder how long it will take to navigate this?

The bridge repair numbers they quoted for keeping the RR running were large ($50 to $60 million?). But won't they need to maintain the bridges even for pedestrian bridges?

This "San Lorenzo" bridge is going to rust away with all the salt blowing off the ocean. Maybe the trail advo's figure it can be replaced with a new ped bridge?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Community over Roaring Camp profits homie2 05-20-2022 - 08:14
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  Re: How's Your Social Credit Score? Wendy Street 05-20-2022 - 20:58
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  Re: The unmasking 05-22-2022 - 11:39
  Re: Community over Roaring Camp profits Cannon Dale 05-20-2022 - 09:40

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