Re: Trail Now talking garbage- Someone really hate free market capitalism....
Author: BOB2
Date: 05-20-2022 - 12:21

sbp Wrote:
> That Trail Now is really messing with Roaring
> Camp. Ms. Clark has the rights to operate the
> train and make money.

Nazis and Communists both really don't really like competitive free market capitalism. One group wants to run a Mafia mob style shakedown for pay offs and the other just wants to steal the property outright. From the victim's perspective it's just theft either way. To some folks Roaring Camp seems to be just another "evil" capitalist profit making firm to be robbed, so their property rights aren't really a concern to the thieves.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
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  Trail Now talking garbage sbp 05-20-2022 - 09:30
  Re: Trail Now talking garbage- Someone really hate free market capitalism.... BOB2 05-20-2022 - 12:21
  Re: Trail Now talking garbage- Someone really hate free market capitalism.... Fembot Army 05-20-2022 - 13:23
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  Re: The unmasking 05-22-2022 - 11:39
  Re: Community over Roaring Camp profits Cannon Dale 05-20-2022 - 09:40

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