. Wrote:
> Fembot Army Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > We don't have true Commies & Nazis in power,
> despite what people say. Just look how powerful
> our corporate overlords are: Facebook, Amazon.
> These big internet companies spy on us, sell to
> us, and shape how we live.
> What we have are tech corporations that are
> developing the software and the robots and the
> surveillance cameras that will assist the
> totalitarian regimes in squashing us like bugs.
> Cisco Systems in the Silicon Valley developed
> software tools that assists the Communist Chinese
> Government in staying in power, censoring the
> Internet and squashing the populace. Why? Money.
> [
> /cyberlaw.stanford.edu/blog/2015/03/china%E2%80%99
> s-golden-shield-cisco-systems-complicit
> Get ready for your Social Credit Score. This will
> be how they'll keep you in line:
So how's your credit score Trigger? Can't be much over 600 since your only income is a BS lawsuit against the City of Fullerton.