Re: Favorite Amtrak Experience
Author: beverlyhelper
Date: 04-13-2010 - 10:38

9,177 miles at government expense - and a roomette! About May of 1986. San Antonio to LA, up to Seattle, across to Chicago, west on the CZ to Oakland, back down to LA, r/t to Tucson, then LA to Seattle. Stopovers to do grant project evaluations in Phoenix, LA, Glasgow, Chicago, Denver, SLC, Oakland, Santa Barbara, Tucson and Eugene. And it was cheaper than flying to all those places. Saved the government over $1,000, though it was hard for them to believe that trains were cheaper than airlines.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Favorite Amtrak Experience MP 44.7 04-10-2010 - 18:35
  Re: Favorite Amtrak Experience douglasm 04-10-2010 - 18:42
  Re: Favorite Amtrak Experience Tom Moungovan 04-10-2010 - 20:42
  Re: Favorite Amtrak Experience John West 04-10-2010 - 21:18
  Re: Favorite Amtrak Experience Photobob 04-10-2010 - 22:53
  Re: Favorite Amtrak Experience ff 04-11-2010 - 09:12
  Re: Favorite Amtrak Experience MP 44.7 04-11-2010 - 09:17
  Re: Favorite Amtrak Experience DH 04-11-2010 - 06:29
  Re: Favorite Amtrak Experience Carol L. Voss 04-11-2010 - 11:38
  Re: Favorite Amtrak Experience Tom McCann 04-12-2010 - 18:19
  Re: Favorite Amtrak Experience beverlyhelper 04-13-2010 - 10:38

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