All Talgo sets out of service for inspection
Author: Ed Von Nordeck
Date: 08-02-2007 - 22:48

Account possible cracks in the car bodies, all talgo sets are out of service for Friday.
If they find problems, then may last a long time.

Amtrak has little if any equipment to provide an replacement.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  All Talgo sets out of service for inspection Ed Von Nordeck 08-02-2007 - 22:48
  Re: All Talgo sets out of service for inspection GNGoat 08-03-2007 - 03:44
  Re: All Talgo sets out of service for inspection Donovan Gray 08-03-2007 - 08:29
  Re: All Talgo sets out of service for inspection david 08-03-2007 - 10:05
  Re: All Talgo sets out of service for inspection Ken Ruben 08-03-2007 - 10:13
  Re: All Talgo sets out of service for inspection Tony 08-03-2007 - 12:52
  Re: All Talgo sets out of service for inspection Dennis 08-03-2007 - 13:39
  Re: All Talgo sets out of service for inspection Ed Von Nordeck 08-03-2007 - 17:13
  Re: All Talgo sets out of service for inspection Adron 08-07-2007 - 23:41
  Re: All Talgo sets out of service for inspection GNGoat 08-03-2007 - 14:12
  Re: All Talgo sets out of service for inspection Key Route Ken 08-04-2007 - 07:47
  Re: All Talgo sets out of service for inspection GNGoat 08-07-2007 - 01:22
  Re: All Talgo sets out of service for inspection Cain Rock Yardmaster 08-07-2007 - 01:43
  Re: All Talgo sets out of service for inspection GNGoat 08-09-2007 - 01:51

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