Re: Major news: UP buys back Arizona shortline for Mexico access
Author: Mark
Date: 09-05-2012 - 09:47

Nebraska Northeastern is a lot different because traffic actually existed on the line.

Here, south of Curtiss there is no business and no track, so you have to wonder what UP's intentions are. They already connect to Ferromex at Nogales. Naco is just barely visible on the map, you have to look really closely to see it. Could it be that Ferromex's line between Nogales and Agua Prieta is in poor shape, so interchanging at Naco would be a faster option in the future for both UP and FXE?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Major news: UP buys back Arizona shortline for Mexico access Mark 09-05-2012 - 03:58
  Re: Major news: UP buys back Arizona shortline for Mexico access Rich Hunn 09-05-2012 - 08:23
  Re: Major news: UP buys back Arizona shortline for Mexico access Wait a minute... 09-05-2012 - 09:16
  Re: Major news: UP buys back Arizona shortline for Mexico access Rich Hunn 09-05-2012 - 09:20
  Re: Major news: UP buys back Arizona shortline for Mexico access Tony Johnson 09-05-2012 - 09:25
  Re: Major news: UP buys back Arizona shortline for Mexico access SPSF 09-05-2012 - 09:54
  Re: Major news: UP buys back Arizona shortline for Mexico access SPSF 09-05-2012 - 12:00
  Re: Major news: UP buys back Arizona shortline for Mexico access Mark 09-05-2012 - 09:47
  Re: Major news: UP buys back Arizona shortline for Mexico access Herbie Under The Palm Tree 09-06-2012 - 03:21
  Re: Major news: UP buys back Arizona shortline for Mexico access Graham Buxton 09-06-2012 - 05:52
  Re: Nebraska Central SP5103 09-10-2012 - 16:59
  Re: Major news: UP buys back Arizona shortline for Mexico access Ernest H. Robl 09-05-2012 - 09:46
  Re: Major news: UP buys back Arizona shortline for Mexico access Cliff Prather 09-06-2012 - 18:56
  Re: Major news: UP buys back Arizona shortline for Mexico access Mistertower 09-07-2012 - 19:12
  Re: Major news: UP buys back Arizona shortline for Mexico access Desert Rat 05-08-2013 - 12:57

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