Cascade Talgos - enjoy the ride?
Author: Dmac844
Date: 06-09-2013 - 13:50

So I will chance getting flamed here but I was wondering: Is there anyone else out there that thinks the Cascades Talgo train sets up here in the Pacific NW are not particularly comfortable or fun to ride on, especially when compared directly to other Amtrak equipment?

I am 6'1" and find the seats to be very uncomfortable to ride in. Too short of a seat cushion and the recline options are not that great. Also it seems like you get a lot more of the background noise from your fellow travelers than in, say a Surfliner coach. I am also not a fan of being down so close to the rail, but that one is a minor point.

To be fair the ride quality at speed and on curves is first rate, but for me all of the other factors that go into 'creature comfort' are a bit lacking.

Just wondering about other's opinion...

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Cascade Talgos - enjoy the ride? Dmac844 06-09-2013 - 13:50
  Re: Cascade Talgos - enjoy the ride? Not fun... 06-09-2013 - 15:07
  Re: Cascade Talgos - enjoy the ride?; which class? Arlen Sheldrake 06-09-2013 - 16:15
  Re: Cascade Talgos - enjoy the ride? Hutch 7.62 06-11-2013 - 18:41
  Re: Cascade Talgos - enjoy the ride? Erik H. 06-09-2013 - 19:25
  Re: Cascade Talgos - enjoy the ride? George Andrews 06-10-2013 - 09:27
  Re: Cascade Talgos - enjoy the ride? DBYPX 06-10-2013 - 10:20
  Re: Cascade Talgos - enjoy the ride? Margaret (SP fan) 06-10-2013 - 10:41
  X2000 Ernest H. Robl 06-10-2013 - 11:33
  Re: Cascade Talgos - enjoy the ride? rasputin 06-10-2013 - 11:30
  Re: Cascade Talgos - enjoy the ride? Erik H. 06-10-2013 - 19:23
  Re: Cascade Talgos - enjoy the ride? George Andrews 06-10-2013 - 21:20
  Re: Cascade Talgos - enjoy the ride? Erik H. 06-11-2013 - 12:48

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