Re: CHSRA-Can't Do Mentality?
Author: Margaret (SP fan)
Date: 09-30-2014 - 00:48

BOB2 --
Didn't you read any of what "mook" wrote? He made
some very good points about the huge engineering
problems CA HSR must overcome in order to be able
to run safely in earthquake-prone California (IF running
HSR iin California during a major quake is even possible)..

Would you feel safe riding a 220-mph train here in
California during a major quake, or would you want
your loved ones to ride a CA HSR train during a large
quake? If so, why?

And why do you assume California's economy will
continue to grow? The drought is so had that if it does
not end soon, it will likely destroy California's economy.
Who can live and work and thrive in a place where there
is no water?

CAHSR is a boondoggle,and is a huge waste of money that
should be spent instead on dealing with this horrible drought.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  4 miles of 3.5% at Tehachapi can be repurposed? synonymouse 09-28-2014 - 11:23
  Re: 4 miles of 3.5% at Tehachapi can be repurposed? Just Don't Do It 09-28-2014 - 12:00
  Re: 4 miles of 3.5% at Tehachapi can be repurposed? Rich Hunn 09-28-2014 - 12:11
  Re: 4 miles of 3.5% at Tehachapi can be repurposed? A.S.C. 09-28-2014 - 13:26
  Re: 4 miles of 3.5% at Tehachapi can be repurposed? mook 09-28-2014 - 14:38
  Re: Desert Water Lake Broadwell Ed Workman 09-28-2014 - 15:31
  Re: Desert Water Lake Broadwell Rich Hunn 09-28-2014 - 17:31
  Tehachapi Sgt. Joe Friday 09-28-2014 - 19:19
  Re: Desert Water Lake Broadwell TomL 09-28-2014 - 19:23
  Re: Desert Water Lake Broadwell mook 09-28-2014 - 21:55
  Re: Desert Water Lake Broadwell Max Wyss 09-29-2014 - 01:53
  Here is what they should do $$$$ 09-29-2014 - 09:08
  Re: Here is what they should do mook 09-29-2014 - 09:41
  Bay Bridge, CHSR Rusty Bolts 09-28-2014 - 20:17
  Re: CHSRA-Can't Do Mentality? BOB2 09-29-2014 - 08:56
  Re: CHSRA-Can't Do Mentality? mook 09-29-2014 - 09:36
  Re: CHSRA-Can't Do Mentality? synonymouse 09-29-2014 - 09:38
  Re: CHSRA-Can't Do Mentality? Ed Workman 09-29-2014 - 09:44
  Re: CHSRA-Can't Do Mentality? mook 09-29-2014 - 09:59
  Re: CHSRA-Can't Do Mentality? synonymouse 09-29-2014 - 11:23
  Re: CHSRA-Can't Do Mentality? david vartanoff 09-29-2014 - 11:48
  Re: CHSRA-Can't Do Mentality? BOB2 09-29-2014 - 14:58
  Re: CHSRA-Can't Do Mentality? Anonymoose 09-29-2014 - 15:42
  Re: CHSRA-Can't Do Mentality? John McCain 09-29-2014 - 16:42
  Re: CHSRA-Can't Do Mentality? Margaret (SP fan) 09-30-2014 - 00:48
  Re: CHSRA-Can't Do Mentality? Max Wyss 09-30-2014 - 05:29
  Re: CHSRA- Nimby Nonsense Mentality? BOB2 09-30-2014 - 08:15
  Re: CHSRA- Nimby Nonsense Mentality? Max Wyss 09-30-2014 - 10:30
  Re: CHSRA-Can't Do Mentality? mook 09-30-2014 - 08:55
  Re: CHSRA-Can't Do Mentality? BOB2 09-30-2014 - 09:25
  Re: CHSRA-Can't Do Mentality? mook 09-30-2014 - 09:21
  Re: CHSRA-Can't Do Mentality? synonymouse 09-30-2014 - 11:03
  Re: CHSRA-Can't Do Mentality? BOB2 09-30-2014 - 11:56
  Re: CHSRA-Can't Do Mentality? Rich Hunn 09-30-2014 - 12:25
  Re: CHSRA-Can't Do Mentality? synonymouse 09-30-2014 - 13:52
  Re: CHSRA-Can't Do Mentality? synonymouse 09-30-2014 - 13:42

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