Re: Track 1 over Donner Pass - Removal questions
Author: Craig Tambo
Date: 11-19-2014 - 05:22

The Yolo Bypass was single-tracked to facilitate trestle replacement; one track was removed and the trestle on that side was rebuilt. That track was replaced and the other track removed. Then the 1980s recession hit and further work stopped.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Track 1 over Donner Pass Don B 11-17-2014 - 12:50
  Re: Track 1 over Donner Pass . 11-17-2014 - 15:51
  Re: Track 1 over Donner Pass Judah 11-17-2014 - 16:01
  Re: Track 1 over Donner Pass mook 11-17-2014 - 17:45
  Re: Track 1 over Donner Pass Dr Zarkoff 11-17-2014 - 19:26
  Re: Track 1 over Donner Pass The Unprofessional Iconoclast 11-18-2014 - 02:41
  Re: Track 1 over Donner Pass SP Fan 11-18-2014 - 08:08
  Re: Track 1 over Donner Pass J Mann 11-18-2014 - 08:35
  Re: Track 1 over Donner Pass WAF 11-18-2014 - 09:14
  Re: Track 1 over Donner Pass Espee99 11-18-2014 - 09:14
  Re: Track 1 over Donner Pass Boreing 11-18-2014 - 12:00
  Re: Track 1 over Donner Pass E Gap 11-18-2014 - 12:22
  Re: Track 1 over Donner Pass - Removal questions Younger generation 11-18-2014 - 15:20
  Re: Track 1 over Donner Pass - Removal questions SP Fan 11-18-2014 - 18:55
  Re: Track 1 over Donner Pass - Removal questions WAF 11-18-2014 - 19:12
  Re: Track 1 over Donner Pass - Removal questions Tunnel 40 11-19-2014 - 20:21
  Re: Track 1 over Donner Pass - Removal questions WAF 11-19-2014 - 20:27
  Re: Track 1 over Donner Pass - Removal questions Tunnel 40 11-19-2014 - 22:15
  Re: Track 1 over Donner Pass - Removal questions WAF 11-20-2014 - 07:01
  Re: Track 1 over Donner Pass - Removal questions Ghost of SP 11-21-2014 - 00:06
  Re: Track 1 over Donner Pass - Removal questions mook 11-18-2014 - 20:27
  Re: Track 1 over Donner Pass - Removal questions Craig Tambo 11-19-2014 - 05:22
  Re: Track 1 over Donner Pass - Removal questions Dr Zarkoff 11-21-2014 - 15:54

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