Re: Save the Internet - This means you !
Author: MG42
Date: 01-16-2012 - 20:55

Mozart, you seem out of arguments if you must now resort to insults, not facts. BTW, if you credit the source, and aren't making a profit off of someone else’s work, I believe that's called "Fair Use." Wikipedia wouldn't exist w/o it. From Wiki-
17 U.S.C. § 107
Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 17 U.S.C. § 106 and 17 U.S.C. § 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include:
1. the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
2. the nature of the copyrighted work;
3. the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and
4. the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.
The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors.[1]

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Save the Internet - This means you ! Pdxrailtransit 01-15-2012 - 13:45
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Pdxrailtransit 01-15-2012 - 13:49
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! SOAP 01-15-2012 - 14:06
  I have never stolen one song or movie. Pdxrailtransit 01-15-2012 - 14:15
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! MG42 01-17-2012 - 08:06
  Congressional Contacts Pdxrailtransit 01-15-2012 - 14:08
  I must admit I am a sucker for these....; Pdxrailtransit 01-15-2012 - 14:20
  Re: I must admit I am a sucker for these....; MG42 01-16-2012 - 03:39
  Also... BronyTrak 01-16-2012 - 10:43
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! PE1085 01-15-2012 - 14:48
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! stash 01-15-2012 - 15:56
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Jim Speaker 01-15-2012 - 17:00
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! theconductor 01-15-2012 - 19:06
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Crmeatball 01-15-2012 - 20:20
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! theconductor 01-15-2012 - 20:43
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Timothy Barham 01-15-2012 - 21:12
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Hayden 01-15-2012 - 22:17
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Checks and balances 01-16-2012 - 02:20
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! MG42 01-16-2012 - 03:43
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! smitty195 01-16-2012 - 06:22
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Rich Hunn 01-16-2012 - 06:39
  Checked and Balanced OERM Otaku 01-16-2012 - 10:34
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Mozart 01-16-2012 - 07:12
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! MG42 01-17-2012 - 07:18
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! MG42 01-17-2012 - 07:39
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! MG42 01-17-2012 - 07:52
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Q 01-18-2012 - 00:42
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! theconductor 01-18-2012 - 16:19
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Q 01-19-2012 - 22:34
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Dr Zarkoff 01-19-2012 - 23:57
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! pushin345 01-16-2012 - 17:42
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Mozart 01-16-2012 - 07:40
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! SLOCONDR 01-16-2012 - 09:09
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! smitty195 01-16-2012 - 15:15
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Mussorgsky 01-16-2012 - 09:12
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Graham Buxton 01-16-2012 - 10:41
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Jim Speaker 01-16-2012 - 13:03
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! WAF 01-16-2012 - 15:15
  Jim, I don't follow. MG42 01-17-2012 - 04:23
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Mozart 01-16-2012 - 14:21
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Graham Buxton 01-16-2012 - 14:52
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Mozart 01-16-2012 - 15:35
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! MG42 01-16-2012 - 20:55
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Mozart 01-17-2012 - 11:20
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Mussorgsky 01-17-2012 - 12:25
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! MG42 01-17-2012 - 16:28
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Check out Wikipedia right now! 01-18-2012 - 06:00
  Wiki is back up now MG42 01-18-2012 - 22:22
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Whatsa Matta U? 01-18-2012 - 20:07
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! MG42 01-18-2012 - 22:15
  I've done my part! MG42 01-19-2012 - 06:51
  Re: I've done my part! SLOCONDR 01-19-2012 - 09:18
  Re: I've done my part! MG42 01-19-2012 - 10:07
  Re: I've done my part! Graham Buxton 01-19-2012 - 10:56
  Re: I've done my part! SLOCONDR 01-19-2012 - 12:41
  Re: I've done my part! Q 01-19-2012 - 23:09
  Re: I've done my part! Frank Capra 01-20-2012 - 12:38

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