Re: Save the Internet - This means you !
Author: Q
Date: 01-19-2012 - 22:34

> My assertions is only false to those who agree with OPB's ramblings.

Your assertion is false - period! even if you don't agree with anyone. But even it wasn't false, it is still irrelevant to this thread and still reeks of prejudice.

> Many people on here, including myself feel that he often falls into the conspiracy theory category, exactly how your definition describes it.

Many people? Who? Name one? Did you take a poll? How the hell do you know what the politics are of the many who post here - most don't say. And OPB is all over the spectrum it seems to me. So do you presume to know people's politics anyway? How? Obviously, by putting their words through your own filter - In other words, your own BIASES.

So le'see, a frequent poster here has so far expressed no opinion on this so-called "vast conspiracy" that is the subject of this thread. But he is labeled as a "conspiracist" on this thread anyway. But then again, millions of others have not posted on this thread either. Are they conspiracists too?

Perhaps, you should just STOP trying to put people in "Categories" and just let them speak for themselves - without the "ad hominum" politics. BTW, go do a search, especially before 2008, and see for yourself if he wasn't actually responding to just such political negativity - and not to conspiracy at all.

As to the point of this thread, with so many raising concerns about this proposal, such as the dozen or so very major websites (even Google and Wikipedia and at least two actual ISPs) from whom I have received official e-mails about it; and PC World's blowing of the whistle as well; these claims might just have some validity.

Rather than dismissively labeling the messengers, perhaps you people who believe Congress can do no wrong, should go find out for yourself - get a copy of the proposed legislation and read it. You might learn something!

You might also be horrified! You might even discover what the rest of us already know - that your beloved Emperor has no cloths (all his cronies too). You might then want to contact your Senator (it already passed the house I hear) and see if they can moderate the bill some way - or better yet, they could go tell hoolywood to go straight to hell ----

Bring back the days when anything that was put on any public medium, was fair game - for listening in on, or recording for incidental non-commercial private personal use. That had been the law for decades - ever since Marcony and Edison (etc.) invented it all. When hollywood was still just a bumpy weed patch in an empty desert.

That is - until 1992 when Clinton signed a bill giving the once public airwaves away to private interests. It been downhill ever since. And this bill will provide the banana peel. Even if those saintly Senators (choke) have the best of intentions, they are way too out of balance most of the time to be able ever get it right, without much citizen involvement.

Balancing the general public's rights with intellectual property rights, is what this should be about. But only an idiot would trust his liberties to an unbalanced incompetent Congress, egged on only by high priced crooked lobbyists and no input from the common citizen. All those "official" e-mails I've received so far, have only advocated that we find out for ourselves and then write your Senators, to egg them back into sanity. These are not conspiracists, they are CITIZENS, doing their solemn duty!

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Save the Internet - This means you ! Pdxrailtransit 01-15-2012 - 13:45
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Pdxrailtransit 01-15-2012 - 13:49
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! SOAP 01-15-2012 - 14:06
  I have never stolen one song or movie. Pdxrailtransit 01-15-2012 - 14:15
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! MG42 01-17-2012 - 08:06
  Congressional Contacts Pdxrailtransit 01-15-2012 - 14:08
  I must admit I am a sucker for these....; Pdxrailtransit 01-15-2012 - 14:20
  Re: I must admit I am a sucker for these....; MG42 01-16-2012 - 03:39
  Also... BronyTrak 01-16-2012 - 10:43
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! PE1085 01-15-2012 - 14:48
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! stash 01-15-2012 - 15:56
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Jim Speaker 01-15-2012 - 17:00
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! theconductor 01-15-2012 - 19:06
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Crmeatball 01-15-2012 - 20:20
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! theconductor 01-15-2012 - 20:43
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Timothy Barham 01-15-2012 - 21:12
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Hayden 01-15-2012 - 22:17
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Checks and balances 01-16-2012 - 02:20
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! MG42 01-16-2012 - 03:43
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! smitty195 01-16-2012 - 06:22
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Rich Hunn 01-16-2012 - 06:39
  Checked and Balanced OERM Otaku 01-16-2012 - 10:34
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Mozart 01-16-2012 - 07:12
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! MG42 01-17-2012 - 07:18
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! MG42 01-17-2012 - 07:39
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! MG42 01-17-2012 - 07:52
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Q 01-18-2012 - 00:42
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! theconductor 01-18-2012 - 16:19
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Q 01-19-2012 - 22:34
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Dr Zarkoff 01-19-2012 - 23:57
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! pushin345 01-16-2012 - 17:42
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Mozart 01-16-2012 - 07:40
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! SLOCONDR 01-16-2012 - 09:09
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! smitty195 01-16-2012 - 15:15
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Mussorgsky 01-16-2012 - 09:12
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Graham Buxton 01-16-2012 - 10:41
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Jim Speaker 01-16-2012 - 13:03
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! WAF 01-16-2012 - 15:15
  Jim, I don't follow. MG42 01-17-2012 - 04:23
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Mozart 01-16-2012 - 14:21
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Graham Buxton 01-16-2012 - 14:52
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Mozart 01-16-2012 - 15:35
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! MG42 01-16-2012 - 20:55
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Mozart 01-17-2012 - 11:20
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Mussorgsky 01-17-2012 - 12:25
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! MG42 01-17-2012 - 16:28
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Check out Wikipedia right now! 01-18-2012 - 06:00
  Wiki is back up now MG42 01-18-2012 - 22:22
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! Whatsa Matta U? 01-18-2012 - 20:07
  Re: Save the Internet - This means you ! MG42 01-18-2012 - 22:15
  I've done my part! MG42 01-19-2012 - 06:51
  Re: I've done my part! SLOCONDR 01-19-2012 - 09:18
  Re: I've done my part! MG42 01-19-2012 - 10:07
  Re: I've done my part! Graham Buxton 01-19-2012 - 10:56
  Re: I've done my part! SLOCONDR 01-19-2012 - 12:41
  Re: I've done my part! Q 01-19-2012 - 23:09
  Re: I've done my part! Frank Capra 01-20-2012 - 12:38

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