Re: Double Tracking and Underground Utilities
Author: mook
Date: 06-03-2014 - 22:38

Tesla WAS right - for his time, which was prototype "steampunk" and did not have high-power solid-state electronics available. At lower voltages, AC is still the way to go, since transformers and connections are relatively simple. They do waste power, though, and at very high voltages AC gets really squirrely. DC very possibly is the way to go for that.

At least when they were built some of those very-high-voltage lines from the Columbia River to SoCal were DC for the same reasons it's being promoted now. They had much lower loss. Of course, the converter stations were subject to severe damage from earthquakes (replacements were reengineered), as are for that matter the big substations used to terminate or otherwise connect to very high voltage AC lines. IIRC there was also a problem with high ground return currents that forced some changes in how the wiring was done. Sounds like that under-the-bay line mentioned above benefitted from that experience.

And none of this is directly relevant to what EPA is doing - attempting to reduce carbon emissions from combustion-powered electric generators. Indirectly perhaps - reduced loss would mean less power needs to be generated in the first place, meaning less fuel (of any type) burned. But if you work out the numbers, I suspect it would be a marginal benefit though it would still be useful (especially for hooking up utility-scale solar as a partial combustion alternative).

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
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  Re: State of WA must reduce carbon emissions by 72% -- double track waste? Rich Hunn 06-03-2014 - 10:04
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  Re: State of WA must reduce carbon emissions by 72% -- double track waste? Rich Hunn 06-03-2014 - 12:05
  Re: State of WA must reduce carbon emissions by 72% -- double track waste? Global Reality 06-03-2014 - 15:27
  Re: State of WA must reduce carbon emissions by 72% -- double track waste? H8Green 06-03-2014 - 16:38
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  Re: -- WOW-double track waste? Sources? mook 06-03-2014 - 13:02
  Re: -- WOW-double track waste? Sources? mook 06-03-2014 - 14:39
  Re: -- WOW-double track waste? Sources? H8Green 06-03-2014 - 16:32
  Re: -- WOW-double track waste? Sources? GO LOOK AT EPA'S WEB SITE ... mook 06-03-2014 - 22:21
  Re: -- WOW-double track waste? Sources? GO LOOK AT EPA'S WEB SITE ... mook 06-03-2014 - 22:41
  Re: State of WA must reduce carbon emissions by 72% -- double track waste? California Taxpayer 06-03-2014 - 13:09
  Re: State of WA must reduce carbon emissions by 72% -- double track waste? <:( 06-03-2014 - 13:12
  Re: State of WA must reduce carbon emissions by 72% -- double track waste? T. J. 06-03-2014 - 20:21
  Re: Nova? BBC? Or just bull? BOB2 06-03-2014 - 21:09
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  Re: Double Tracking and Underground Utilities BOB2 06-03-2014 - 19:11
  Re: Double Tracking and Underground Utilities david vartanoff 06-03-2014 - 19:16
  Re: Double Tracking and Underground Utilities OldPoleBurner 06-03-2014 - 20:54
  Re: Double Tracking and Underground Utilities mook 06-03-2014 - 22:38
  Re: Double Tracking and Underground Utilities Dr Zarkoff 06-04-2014 - 11:00
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  Re: US "average" loss is indeed lesss? Global Reality 06-05-2014 - 22:02
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  Re: US "average" loss is indeed lesss? mook 06-06-2014 - 09:07
  Re: US "average" loss is indeed lesss? Plane Fan & Rail Nut 06-07-2014 - 07:26
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  Re: A guide to Obama's new rules to cut carbon emissions from power plants George Andrews 06-03-2014 - 19:45
  Re: A guide to Obama's new rules to cut carbon emissions from power plants Rich Hunn 06-04-2014 - 08:26
  Re: A guide to Obama's new rules to cut carbon emissions from power plants Bart Nadeau 06-04-2014 - 09:08
  Re: A guide to Obama's new rules to cut carbon emissions from power plants Rich Hunn 06-04-2014 - 10:49
  Obama rule covers ALL CARBON EMISSIONS, read fine print. KJL 06-04-2014 - 13:07
  Re: Obama rule covers ALL CARBON EMISSIONS, read fine print. The Polar 06-04-2014 - 17:29
  Re: Obama rule covers ALL CARBON EMISSIONS, read fine print. Dr Zarkoff 06-04-2014 - 18:51

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