HSR viaducts
Author: S
Date: 03-19-2009 - 11:49

Rail structures and overhead contact systems can and are built to return to service after inspection, after California brand earthquakes - times 10 or times 100. T'aint cheap.

Separate the designers from the self-appointed experts.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Palo Alto divided over HSR alternatives synonymouse 03-19-2009 - 10:46
  Re: Palo Alto divided over HSR alternatives Scott Schiechl 03-19-2009 - 11:13
  HSR viaducts S 03-19-2009 - 11:49
  Re: HSR Hearings????--On the Web BOB2 03-19-2009 - 15:59
  Re: HSR Hearings????--On the Web BOB2 03-19-2009 - 20:22
  Re: HSR Hearings????--On the Web synonymouse 03-19-2009 - 23:28
  Re: HSR Hearings????--On the Web OldPoleBurner 03-20-2009 - 01:10
  Re: HSR Hearings????--On the Web Desert Don 03-20-2009 - 09:11
  Re: HSR Hearings????--On the Web synonymouse 03-20-2009 - 10:18
  Re: HSR Hearings????--On the Web Scott Schiechl 03-20-2009 - 10:33
  Re: HSR Hearings????--On the Web CPRR 03-20-2009 - 11:04
  Re: HSR Hearings????--On the Web BOB2 03-20-2009 - 15:22
  Re: HSR Hearings????--On the Web synonymouse 03-20-2009 - 17:08
  Re: HSR Hearings????--On the Web OldPoleBurner 03-21-2009 - 14:45
  Re: HSR Hearings????--On the Web synonymouse 03-21-2009 - 23:43
  Re: HSR Hearings????--On the Web OldPoleBurner 03-22-2009 - 21:41
  Re: HSR Hearings????--On the Web OldPoleBurner 03-22-2009 - 21:53
  Re: HSR Hearings????--On the Web synonymouse 03-22-2009 - 23:05

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