Re: Can Anything Fix the CAHSR Project-Yes.......
Author: BOB2
Date: 02-12-2013 - 13:13


What make you think I believe the real travel needs are for super HST service from SFO to LAX? Most analysis points out that there is no "aviation capacity crisis". So that delusional "our train is faster than your train" thinking from the dysfunctional days of Mehdi and Quentin needs to be "fixed".

The real "demand" for rail service is clearly for our urban to urban short and middle distance, major centers to hub centers, services that are frequent, fast, and affordable. This demand is reflected in the highway congestion and current success of our intercity corridors. There is no demonstrated current need for 225 mph service to meet that need. Speeds of 110. 125. and 160 range, which are far less costly to build and operate, make sense for those needs. And, those folks you don't want to stop for on that overpriced, unneeded, and likely empty "non stop" to SFO, are the ones who actually need the service.


Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Can Anything Stop CAHSR Project? Daniel 02-10-2013 - 21:51
  Re: Can Anything Stop CAHSR Project? inertial instigator 02-10-2013 - 21:56
  Re: Can Anything Stop CAHSR Project? P. Kepler 02-10-2013 - 22:24
  Re: Can Anything Stop CAHSR Project? synonymouse 02-11-2013 - 09:56
  Re: Can Anything Stop CAHSR Project? david vartanoff 02-11-2013 - 10:38
  Re: Can Anything Stop CAHSR Project? Michael Mahoney 02-11-2013 - 16:49
  Re: Can Anything Stop CAHSR Project? Dr Zarkoff 02-11-2013 - 17:22
  Re: Can Anything Stop CAHSR Project? P. Kepler 02-11-2013 - 19:59
  Re: Can Anything Stop CAHSR Project? Dr Zarkoff 02-12-2013 - 12:08
  Re: Can Anything Stop CAHSR Project? Observer 02-11-2013 - 17:58
  Re: Can Anything Stop CAHSR Project? SP5103 02-11-2013 - 19:36
  Re: Can Anything Stop CAHSR Project? mook 02-11-2013 - 21:30
  Re: Can Anything Stop CAHSR Project? George Andrews 02-12-2013 - 06:26
  Re: Can Anything Fix the CAHSR Project-Yes....... BOB2 02-12-2013 - 07:48
  Re: Can Anything Fix the CAHSR Project-Yes....... Dr Zarkoff 02-12-2013 - 12:31
  Re: Can Anything Fix the CAHSR Project-Yes....... BOB2 02-12-2013 - 13:13
  Re: Can Anything Fix the CAHSR Project-Yes....... synonymouse 02-12-2013 - 14:45
  Re: Can Anything Fix the Tinfoil Hat? BOB2 02-12-2013 - 23:41
  Re: Can Anything Fix the Tinfoil Hat? synonymouse 02-13-2013 - 10:06
  Re: Leaky tinfoil hats and those who work at these things? BOB2 02-14-2013 - 06:36
  Re: Leaky tinfoil hats and those who work at these things? synonymouse 02-14-2013 - 09:58
  Re: Can Anything Fix the CAHSR Project-Yes....... Observer 02-12-2013 - 18:05
  Re: Can Anything Stop CAHSR Project? Dr Zarkoff 02-13-2013 - 12:38
  Re: Can Anything Stop CAHSR Project? Margaret (SP fan) 02-13-2013 - 14:32
  Re: Can Anything Stop CAHSR Project? synonymouse 02-13-2013 - 16:47
  Re: Can Anything Stop CAHSR Project? Dr Zarkoff 02-13-2013 - 18:25
  Re: Can Anything Stop CAHSR Project? synonymouse 02-13-2013 - 19:15
  Re: Can Anything Stop CAHSR Project? synonymouse 02-13-2013 - 19:19
  Re: Can Anything Stop CAHSR Project? Dr Zarkoff 02-13-2013 - 20:12
  Re: Can Anything Stop CAHSR Project? mook 02-13-2013 - 21:00
  Re: Can Anything Stop CAHSR Project? synonymouse 02-14-2013 - 10:04

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