Re: "Sea Level Rise" for the West Coast - Rub the lamp? Or maybe, raise the sea wlalls?
Actually, part of sea level rise from warming oceans is because warmer water is less dense than cold water. Not that this scientific evidence will really mean that much to some folks...
Here's a source I tend to find a bit more reliable. I spent the last dozen years going to those free Von Karmin series lectures at JPL and Cal Tech. Bill Patzert's annual climate lectures are available on-line, too.
JPL webiste on oceanic warming and sea level changes.
Von Karmin Lectures link
Thank goodness we're in CA, where we only have a few examples of infrastructure at risk, like at San Clemente, and the north bay tidal flats, from this observed slow inexorable near-term rise which will occur in sea levels over the next century.
Whereas, you have whole parts of the Gulf Coast that have hundreds and hundreds of examples of infrastructure (highway, rail, flood control, sewage systems, harbors, etc.) already at risk from more tidal flooding. Now, double down on that risk, by the added potential for additional storm damage from weather related events like hurricanes, which will push that higher water even further inland.
Meanwhile, those evil hydrogen trains in Redlands swill just cause more of that evil dihydrogen monoxide to be formed, creating even more potential sea level rise, right?