What a load of horse crap. Rise is measured in inches. Always wrong alarmists say 1 foot in 30 years. No one is going to be displaced by a 1 foot rise. Which elsewhere you say by 2100.
Author: Stop being a Liarwanna
Date: 09-04-2024 - 19:02
So the paid political activism alarmists say 1 foot rise in 30 years. Yet virtually all of there predictions about global warming and alleged side effects have been way on the high side compared to what actually happened years later. But somehow they've finally figured it out? They are paid for their studies to 'confirm' global warming and scary predictions. If their studies find the opposite they get excluded from future funding.
Elsewhere in your statement you say at least a foot rise by 2100. 6 to 10 inches happened 1900-2018. So no need to panic. 1 foot in 75 years also is not going to displace anyone. If you built a house so low that 2 foot of sea level rise since 1900 will flood your home then you were a fool.
Deep in your post you bury perhaps the lede. That land subsidence may be the bigger issue. That is not sea level rise or human caused global warming or climate change. Maybe human caused water table drawdown. Maybe something else. I get tired of politicized climate change bullshit being inserted into everything. We're still coming out of a cool period. Warming is not unexpected nor bad and humans likely have almost zero impact. I remember Al Gore's university buddies at East Anglia getting caught in the 90's manipulating and even faking data to support their human driven global warming theory. I know Mchael Mann to this day still refuses to release the data he used to create his bogus hockey stick scare pseudoscience. The Scientific Method requires disclosure and being able to replicate findings when independent researchers review it. His actions are anti-science. Because he's a fraud.