Re: Hghway 37 and SMART/NWP
Author: john
Date: 09-04-2024 - 17:17

FUD Wrote:
> Thanks for this! At least somebody at SMART has
> thought about it a little.
> The road people would have to get involved with
> elevating SMART through Novato/Ignacio, too. The
> wye is pretty much under the 101/37 interchange,
> so I suspect there's not a lot of room for
> elevating the tracks before freeway bridges have
> to be raised, too. That's certainly been thought
> about, and if 37's to be substantially raised the
> interchange (and 101, which is kind of low-level
> too) will have to be raised too. Really, the train
> and the road work should be done together, but as
> you note SMART has other things on their mind at
> the moment.

SMART may be pondering if it will exist after the next tax extension election. Most of the flooding issues at Ignacio wye are not from "global warming" but simply from Novato creek getting more narrow and shallow from lack of dredging. Google earth Novato creek. Look how wide the RR trestle was built and how narrow the stream flow has become. Most of the Schellville flooding issues are because they stopped dredging Sonoma creek.San Antonio creek Same thing. How do i know? I have lived in this area for 70 plus years.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Hghway 37 and SMART/NWP FUD 09-03-2024 - 20:50
  Re: Highandaway 37 and not so SMART/NWP TELL ME! 09-03-2024 - 22:38
  Re: Highandaway 37 and not so SMART/NWP FUD 09-04-2024 - 07:46
  What a load of horse crap. Rise is measured in inches. Always wrong alarmists say 1 foot in 30 years. No one is going to be displaced by a 1 foot rise. Which elsewhere you say by 2100. Stop being a Liarwanna 09-04-2024 - 19:02
  Re: What a load of horse crap. Rise is measured in inches. Always wrong alarmists say 1 foot in 30 years. No one is going to be displaced by a 1 foot rise. Which elsewhere you say by 2100. LongLiveSP 09-04-2024 - 19:07
  Re: I see the TOMN is projecting his inner most desires again on AP. BOB2 09-04-2024 - 20:27
  Re: How to deal effectively with any future flooding? BOB2 09-04-2024 - 11:18
  "Sea Level Rise" for the West Coast - Rub the lamp.. Pie Sky in Your Eye 09-04-2024 - 11:48
  Re: "Sea Level Rise" for the West Coast - Rub the lamp? Or maybe, raise the sea wlalls? BOB2 09-04-2024 - 12:19
  Re: "Sea Level Rise" for the West Coast - Rub the lamp? Or maybe, raise the sea wlalls? LongLiveSP 09-04-2024 - 12:36
  Re: "Sea Level Rise" for the West Coast - Rub the lamp? Or maybe, raise the sea wlalls? BOB2 09-04-2024 - 15:58
  Re: "Sea Level Rise" for the West Coast - Rub the lamp? Or maybe, raise the sea wlalls? LongLiveSP 09-04-2024 - 19:08
  Re: "Sea Level Rise" Appear to Have Made the TOMN "Rise" and post about his sexually explicit fantasies again on AP? BOB2 09-04-2024 - 20:18
  BOB2 posts on AP that AND are not reliable then posts a dot gov link!? What would AP do BOB2 free? 09-04-2024 - 19:54
  Re: BOB2 posts on AP that AND are not reliable then posts a dot gov link!? I'ma M'gaga 09-04-2024 - 20:09
  Re: BOB2 used all of his secret telepathic powers to make the TOMN do all of this meth tonight... And BOB2 helped fake those moon landings, too... BOB2 09-04-2024 - 20:40
  Re: BOB2 used all of his secret telepathic powers to make the TOMN do all of this meth tonight... And BOB2 helped fake those moon landings, too... RFK Fan 09-04-2024 - 20:46
  It is "Sea Curve" NOT "Sea Level A Railfan 09-07-2024 - 17:35
  Re: Hghway 37 and SMART/NWP Transportation Planner 09-04-2024 - 07:11
  Re: Highway 37 and SMART/NWP-Thanks for more of the details BOB2 09-04-2024 - 07:28
  Re: Hghway 37 and SMART/NWP FUD 09-04-2024 - 07:53
  Re: Hghway 37 and SMART/NWP john 09-04-2024 - 17:17

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