Re: What a load of horse crap. Rise is measured in inches. Always wrong alarmists say 1 foot in 30 years. No one is going to be displaced by a 1 foot rise. Which elsewhere you say by 2100.
Author: LongLiveSP
Date: 09-04-2024 - 19:07
Stop being a Liarwanna Wrote:
> So the paid political activism alarmists say 1
> foot rise in 30 years. Yet virtually all of there
> predictions about global warming and alleged side
> effects have been way on the high side compared to
> what actually happened years later. But somehow
> they've finally figured it out? They are paid for
> their studies to 'confirm' global warming and
> scary predictions. If their studies find the
> opposite they get excluded from future funding.
> Elsewhere in your statement you say at least a
> foot rise by 2100. 6 to 10 inches happened
> 1900-2018. So no need to panic. 1 foot in 75 years
> also is not going to displace anyone. If you built
> a house so low that 2 foot of sea level rise since
> 1900 will flood your home then you were a fool.
> Deep in your post you bury perhaps the lede. That
> land subsidence may be the bigger issue. That is
> not sea level rise or human caused global warming
> or climate change. Maybe human caused water table
> drawdown. Maybe something else. I get tired of
> politicized climate change bullshit being inserted
> into everything. We're still coming out of a cool
> period. Warming is not unexpected nor bad and
> humans likely have almost zero impact. I remember
> Al Gore's university buddies at East Anglia
> getting caught in the 90's manipulating and even
> faking data to support their human driven global
> warming theory. I know Mchael Mann to this day
> still refuses to release the data he used to
> create his bogus hockey stick scare pseudoscience.
> The Scientific Method requires disclosure and
> being able to replicate findings when independent
> researchers review it. His actions are
> anti-science. Because he's a fraud.
You and Bob should blow each other.