Re: Answers for Robert (and anyone interested)
Author: jwl
Date: 06-04-2010 - 12:59

One more go 'round Wrote:
> JWL Wrote:
> > Appears management found language in the
> > aagreement to not compensate employees when
> they
> > performed no service. Much athe same as the
> LC's
> > do on some of their phony claims for employees
> to
> > get paid for jurisdictional disputes.
> Still up to the management B.S. I see

Managment responsibility:
Calls the trains
Writes the rules, both work and pay
Schedules the trains
Maintains the property
What do the unions do?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Union Pacific sinks to a new low Robert 06-02-2010 - 14:54
  Re: Union Pacific sinks to a new low Bill B 06-02-2010 - 15:25
  Re: Union Pacific sinks to a new low M. Harris 06-02-2010 - 16:37
  Re: Union Pacific sinks to a new low WAF 06-02-2010 - 18:23
  Re: Union Pacific sinks to a new low OPRRMS 06-02-2010 - 19:19
  Re: Union Pacific sinks to a new low Beaver 06-02-2010 - 19:36
  Re: Union Pacific sinks to a new low OTN 06-02-2010 - 19:41
  Re: Union Pacific sinks to a new low Confused 06-02-2010 - 19:46
  Re: Union Pacific sinks to a new low WAF 06-03-2010 - 08:52
  Re: Union Pacific sinks to a new low E 06-03-2010 - 09:50
  Re: Union Pacific sinks to a new low SP 8800 06-02-2010 - 20:20
  Re: Union Pacific sinks to a new low Jesse 06-02-2010 - 21:02
  Re: Union Pacific sinks to a new low fkrock 06-03-2010 - 09:27
  Re: Union Pacific sinks to a new low Beaver 06-02-2010 - 21:46
  Re: Union Pacific sinks to a new low Conductor 06-02-2010 - 22:33
  Re: Union Pacific sinks to a new low SLOCONDR 06-02-2010 - 22:33
  MESSAGE FOR SLOCONDR smitty195 06-02-2010 - 23:48
  Re: Union Pacific sinks to a new low theconductor 06-02-2010 - 23:20
  Re: Union Pacific sinks to a new low Sam Reeves 06-03-2010 - 10:19
  Re: Union Pacific sinks to a new low WAF 06-03-2010 - 15:42
  Re: Union Pacific sinks to a new low SP8800 06-02-2010 - 22:55
  Re: Union Pacific sinks to a new low Robert 06-02-2010 - 23:26
  Re: Union Pacific sinks to a new low DHB 06-03-2010 - 07:34
  Re: Union Pacific sinks to a new low OTN 06-03-2010 - 10:13
  Re: Union Pacific sinks to a new low Peter D Sr 06-03-2010 - 12:24
  Unions and railroads OPRRMS 06-03-2010 - 12:46
  Re: Union Pacific sinks to a new low Kevin Dunwoody 06-03-2010 - 13:32
  Re: Union Pacific sinks to a new low Mike Swanson 06-03-2010 - 21:45
  Re: Union Pacific sinks to a new low Taxpayer 06-03-2010 - 21:06
  Re: Union Pacific sinks to a new low kEVIN dUNWOODY 06-04-2010 - 11:59
  Re: Union Pacific sinks to a new low OldPoleBurner 06-05-2010 - 12:44
  Answers for Robert (and anyone interested) OPRRMS 06-03-2010 - 17:43
  Re: Answers for Robert (and anyone interested) JWL 06-03-2010 - 18:56
  Re: Answers for Robert (and anyone interested) OPRRMS 06-03-2010 - 20:00
  Re: Answers for Robert (and anyone interested) One more go 'round 06-04-2010 - 12:23
  Re: Answers for Robert (and anyone interested) jwl 06-04-2010 - 12:59
  Re: Answers for Robert (and anyone interested) KIE 06-04-2010 - 17:55
  Re: Answers for Robert (and anyone interested) OPRRMS 06-04-2010 - 21:17
  Re: Answers for the future Severe Duty 06-04-2010 - 22:46
  Re: Answers for Robert (and anyone interested) JWL 06-05-2010 - 09:19
  Re: Answers for Robert (and anyone interested) Tom Moungovan 06-05-2010 - 10:17
  Re: Answers for Robert (and anyone interested) WAF 06-05-2010 - 10:50
  Re: Answers for Robert (and anyone interested) OPRRMS 06-05-2010 - 11:24
  Re: Answers for Robert (and anyone interested) JWL 06-05-2010 - 13:23
  Re: Answers for Robert (and anyone interested) OPRRMS 06-05-2010 - 15:51
  Re: Answers for Robert (and anyone interested) WAF 06-05-2010 - 16:54
  Re: Answers for Robert (and anyone interested) JWL 06-05-2010 - 17:13
  Re: Answers for Robert (and anyone interested) OPRRMS 06-05-2010 - 18:47
  Re: Answers for Robert (and anyone interested) JWL 06-06-2010 - 07:32
  Re: Answers for Robert (and anyone interested) WAF 06-06-2010 - 08:08
  Re: Answers for Robert (and anyone interested) OPRRMS 06-06-2010 - 13:04

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