Killing jobs, then who pays the income taxes, for them to waste?
Author: Poor Tax Payer
Date: 08-01-2024 - 05:18
Who cares. Wrote:
> Good. Push away more of suburban and rural
> America to the other side. The Dems already
> abandoned the Unions (except for government
> workers) and Middle Class America.
The Dems also made a million tax paying independent works jobless with California's AB5 law and a few million more (and growing) with Bidens USDOL IC Law (Pro-Act)
BUT they exempted millions of illegal invader workers who work mostly for cash or use check cashing businesses that don't report while paying little or no taxes and get almost a trillion in welfare, programs and other benefits every year
If they continue to kill union/non union and independent jobs
Who will pay the income taxes to waste on themselves and the illegals?
California has a $80 billion and growing deficit and the US debt grows by $1 trillion every 100 days