Not quite.
Mexican immigrants alone will be sending ~60 billion back home and not
spending it here in the USA which is a net bust for the US economy.
~100,000 unaccompanied chilren cross into US per year. ~$20,000 for your typical
bilingual education for a child per year. Also, many immigrants living
in Mexico along the border (Tijuana, Juarez, etc) register their children
with US addresses so kids can go to US schools without parents paying a dime
in property taxes.
There are other not so sympathetic studies/publications to consider such as.
And finally, immigrants may not have high crime rates but their
offspring certainly do.
Commenter Wrote:
> It is well known that undocumented immigrants have
> a lower crime rate than the average citizen,
> because they won't only get jail, but they will be
> deported. They try to stay out of the limelight.
> But many don't know how much they pay in taxes of
> all sorts. Of course they pay sales taxes and
> (through rent) property taxes, but they pay lots
> of income taxes and social security taxes, even
> though they won't qualify for social security
> retirement benefits.
> Don't believe me? Well then let's go for the
> facts:
> []
> 4/
> That ought to trigger those who weren't in the
> know.