Commenter Wrote:
> It is well known that undocumented immigrants have a lower crime rate than the average citizen, because they won't only get jail, but they will be deported. They try to stay out of the limelight. But many don't know how much they pay in taxes of all sorts. Of course they pay sales taxes and (through rent) property taxes, but they pay lots of income taxes and social security taxes, even though they won't qualify for social security retirement benefits. Don't believe me? Well then let's go for the facts: That ought to trigger those who weren't in the know.
While self-described as politically neutral, Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy was described as a “liberal think tank” by Pew Research Center.
Why would I have any interest in reading something coming from a "liberal think tank"?
Lower crime rates? You must be joking. Find the statistic of the number of illegal aliens who are currently sitting in U.S. jail cells.
The associated costs of illegal aliens are in the stratosphere when you take into consideration the large numbers of dependent children clogging our public schools, and their reliance on health care and other services.
What is needed is an Eisenhower-era Bracero guest worker program where the U.S.A. would have a say in who was admitted and how long they would stay. This is something that Trump wants to implement. We have no idea what Cameltoe has in mind since she was such a disaster trying to act as Border Czar --- a position she now claims she never held, even though CNN and MSNBC, at one time, addressed her as such. Her "make-over" is now in full swing.