Re: I Steer Clear of Leftist Propaganda
Author: Inna Gadda da Vida
Date: 08-01-2024 - 21:45
I'ma M'gaga Wrote:
>> Lower crime rates? You must be joking. Find the statistic of the number of illegal aliens who are currently sitting in U.S. jail cells.
> You must be dense. Their only "crime" is entering the country illegally.
Man, you're a lot more stupid than I gave you credit for. Did it ever occur to you that they get involved in crime and break other laws after they're here?
>> What is needed is an Eisenhower-era Bracero guest worker program where the U.S.A. would have a say in who was admitted and how long they would stay. This is something that Trump wants to implement.
> "Officially called the Mexican Farm Labor Program, it was created to address the U.S. labor shortage caused by World War II and lasted from 1942 to 1964."
> Last time I checked, Eisenhower was in command of the landings in Africa in 1942 and not yet in charge of SHAEF, let alone Prez.
I said Eisenhower-era. I didn't say he STARTED it. His administration was pretty much smack dab in the middle of it and, to keep it viable, he deported a lot of people on his watch. Trump promises to do much of the same and that's why he has my vote.