Re: I Steer Clear of Leftist Propaganda
Author: I'ma M'gaga
Date: 08-02-2024 - 13:43
>>> I said Eisenhower-era. I didn't say he STARTED it.
>> My point was that it was an FDR-era program. Last time I checked, FDR was a Dem. Start weaseling.
> Yeah, that was back in an era when we had conservative Democrats instead of the outright communists we have today.
Weasel FAIL!! Obviously you've never heard of Senator Joe McCarthy, Whittaker Chambers and the likes of Harry Hopkins or Alger Hiss, let alone Harry Bridges or the Rosenbergs.
>>> Trump promises to do much of the same
>> That's the key word, "promises", and he's got quite a record on breaking them,
> He'll come a lot closer to delivering than the b i t c h who can't decide if she's black or Indian.
She's made it abundantly clear that she's an Indian/Jamaican mix. You need a new Belltone hearing aid with a fresh battery (and be sure to turn the volume all the way up).
>> In his second term Obama deported more illegal aliens than Trump did in his only term.
> That must have pissed off a lot of his Liberal Leftist Loonie constituency who feel that "no human is illegal". You must be really pissed off at him for doing that.
There was a spot on the news today which included interviews with Border Patrol agents on scene, and they said illegal crossings are WAY down. The main cause is Biden's somewhat draconian deportation policy. And don't forget/conveniently overlook the fact that EX-Prezidinky Bonesuprs deliberately had the bipartisan bill meant to address the problem killed specifically so he could have the issue to campaign on.
>> A fool and his vote are soon parted.
> That's for sure. I'm sure you'll be voting for the DEI hire that Brain Dead Joe bragged about when he made her his self-proclaimed DEI running mate.
It's better than voting for an overage, overweight, quasi brain-dead egotist.
> In other news, I'm going to put the kabbash on this back-and-forth. It's a waste of time
You mean you think it's a waste of YOUR time.
> and I've got bigger fish to fry.
Correct! Overweight pontificators like you need larger portions of food.
>Enjoy the chart that shows how illegal immigration skyrockted on Biden's watch.
No matter how you try to spin the situation and doctor your facts, you and your data are wrong.
Slava Ukraini!