Re: Voters, and anyone with even half a brain, would have to be absolutely insane to have sex with the TOMN......
Author: BOB2
Date: 08-02-2024 - 07:42
basic 12 year old stunted immature mentally ill repressed mentally ill railfan perv TOMN Wrote:
> You two fags should go out for coffee to have your
> political discussion.
It was just one of your immature racist stunted 12-year-old sexaully obsessed multiple personalities on methedrine posting your usual hate filled rantings overnight, until dawn, when you needed proposition someone to have sex with on AP again...
The mentally ill sexual predator TOMN just can't help it, as an immature 12-year-old mentally ill sexually obsessed little child who posts this kind of crap on a train chat board, it's what she does for her hobby....