Re: Killing jobs? Then who pays the income taxes? Definitely not the mentally ill AP troll who has no job, high on meth, posting this crap in his mom's basement, I'm guessing....
Author: BOB2
Date: 08-01-2024 - 07:44
Poor None Taxpayer Who Trolls AP from down in Moms Basement Wrote:
> Who cares. Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Good. Push away more of suburban and rural
> > America to the other side. The Dems already
> > abandoned the Unions (except for government
> > workers) and Middle Class America.
> The Dems also made a million tax paying
> independent works jobless with California's AB5
> law and a few million more (and growing) with
> Bidens USDOL IC Law (Pro-Act)
> BUT they exempted millions of illegal invader
> workers who work mostly for cash or use check
> cashing businesses that don't report while paying
> little or no taxes and get almost a trillion in
> welfare, programs and other benefits every year
> If they continue to kill union/non union and
> independent jobs
> Who will pay the income taxes to waste on
> themselves and the illegals?
> California has a $80 billion and growing deficit
> and the US debt grows by $1 trillion every 100
> days
At least he's back spewing his usual BS line of ranting troll crap, instead of propositioning folks to have sex with him on AP....
What other memes did you pick up lately?