Re: The Fall of Trains Magazine
Author: K-Town Rail
Date: 06-05-2018 - 18:22

I too stopped Trains several years ago...not enough railroads any more, plus too few loco models and Gensets...don't get me started! I have enjoyed Classic Trains now for several years now. I'm so glad people took lots of photos way back.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  The Fall of Trains Magazine F40PHForever 06-05-2018 - 15:34
  Re: The Fall of Trains Magazine DPM 06-05-2018 - 16:55
  Re: The Fall of Trains Magazine FEF-3 06-05-2018 - 18:16
  Re: The Fall of Trains Magazine K-Town Rail 06-05-2018 - 18:22
  Re: The Fall of Trains Magazine HUTCH 7.62 06-06-2018 - 07:30
  Re: The Fall of Trains Magazine Ignatz 06-05-2018 - 18:25
  Re: The Fall of Trains Magazine Craig Tambo 06-05-2018 - 18:28
  Re: The Fall of Trains Magazine Jack S. 06-06-2018 - 06:12
  Re: The Fall of Trains Magazine Rollin Bredenberg 06-05-2018 - 18:38
  Re: The Fall of Trains Magazine george manley 06-05-2018 - 19:10
  Re: The Fall of Trains Magazine Chuck in Wallowa County 06-05-2018 - 19:11
  Re: The Fall of Trains Magazine Martin Burwash 06-06-2018 - 05:56
  Re: The Fall of Trains Magazine Ben Bachman 06-06-2018 - 10:25
  Re: The Fall of Trains Magazine Sasquatch 06-06-2018 - 22:43
  Re: The Excellence of Trains Magazine Interested Reader 06-06-2018 - 22:53
  Re: The Fall of Trains Magazine Trackwuurk 06-05-2018 - 19:15
  Re: The Fall of Trains Magazine Margaret (SP fan) 06-05-2018 - 19:46
  Re: The Fall of Trains Magazine Tony Johnson 06-05-2018 - 20:32
  Re: Trains magazine -- Thanks, Rollin! And some good reasons on why Trains has changed Margaret (SP fan) 06-05-2018 - 22:28
  Re: Trains magazine -- Thanks, Rollin! And some good reasons on why Trains has changed Negin 06-05-2018 - 23:16
  Knowledge & the double edged sword 60 Plus 06-06-2018 - 04:36
  Trains Magazine in 2018 Short Line Guy 06-06-2018 - 14:35
  Re: The Fall of Trains Magazine J.K. Trowling 06-06-2018 - 14:35
  Re: The Fall of Trains Magazine Mike Stimpson 06-06-2018 - 16:42
  Re: Short Line Guy Gets it....Kalmbach is trying to run a business.... BOB2 06-06-2018 - 18:20
  Re: Stay aboard with Trains! Big Time Foamer 06-06-2018 - 19:20
  Re: Stay aboard with Trains! J.K. Trowling 06-07-2018 - 04:54
  Re: Short Line Guy Gets it....Kalmbach is trying to run a business.... Nussel Snouts 06-06-2018 - 21:29
  Re: The Fall of Trains Magazine The Ferroequinologst 06-06-2018 - 21:11
  Re: The Fall of Trains Magazine SLRG-unpaid 06-07-2018 - 18:49
  9 of 11 grades in their Stevens Pass chart are wrong V. Jayjay Hill 06-07-2018 - 23:40
  Re: The Fall of Trains Magazine LAS 06-09-2018 - 09:28
  Re: The Fall of Trains Magazine George Andrews 06-11-2018 - 18:32

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